Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Ground Is Uneven. The Sun Was in My Eyes

(I can't remember what that is from, but I remember laughing about it with Lisa Riccutti back in the day)

So the other night I thought I found the first SNAFU. It was bound to happen right? I mean, I've been so lucky & everything has been going really well ...

I noticed that the kitchen counter to the right of the stove was about about 1/5 to 1/4 of an inch higher then the kitchen counter to the left of the stove. Panic immediately set in. I called Greg to try to process how this could have happened. Did Rocky not measure properly? Did the cabinet place send the wrong size cabinet? I was trying to take a Buddhist approach & not completely bug out.

I went to the Merle to talk to Rocky the following morning. As it turns out, this was no accident. It seems that the floor in the hallway on the fridge side of the kitchen is slightly higher then the floor in the in the dining room on the other side of the kitchen. In order to have the hardwood floor on either side of the kitchen be completely flush with the kitchen floor, the had to raise the right cabinet side. I don't 100% understand this engineering justification, but I do trust Rocky & Freddy. Rocky has really done a great job with the apartment. He has an eye for detail & it's clear to me that he takes pride in his work. So ... it is what it is. But is it as bad as I think it is? Will other people notice it? Will it make me crazy in 6 months to the point that I hate my kitchen?

Greg came to see it. He looked at it, looked at me & said, "done. this isn't even close to what I thought this was going to look like. It's totally fine. You will never notice this once the kitchen is finished." I'm sure he's right.

Here is a little aerial shot of the stove top with the left & right counter tops. Note that once the kitchen is complete the stove will be flush against the wall.

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