Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Cha Cha Changes

So every night I go though some what of the same process.
  • Go the the Merle after work
  • Look around for what's changed
  • If it's something major, I will take a quick look at and then avert my eyes
  • I ask myself, "Do you hate it?"
  • Gut response (which so far has always been NO)
  • I then go in for a closer look. Sometime I will just stand in silence and look for a good 20 minutes just to soak it all in
  • Then I try to figure out if I LOVE it
At the end of the day, I'm either really liking, or loving everything that has been done so far. (Thank goodness!)

I've been carrying around my granite sample like it's a pet. Now there are 2 several hundred pound slabs on top of my cabinets!

And the bathroom ... so far j'dor it!

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